
legal statement

  thanks for your attention to naura group, and hope that you will carefully read the following contents when you visit the website. you will be deemed to have comprehensively and carefully read, understood and be willing to conform to, the following information upon your browse.

  this website is the legal official website of naura group, from which you may acquire information of the company, products, personnel and contacts, and others published by naura to the public. with regard to all contents accessible to you, we expect that you use them only for browse, instead of any other purpose without official written authorization of naura group.

  complete ownership and intellectual properties attached to all names, trade names, trademarks, labels, pictures, videos, audios, characters, etc., of naura group are owned and reserved by the group. any behavior of naura group on the website including publishing and application shall not represent any granting or assignment of any rights to any organizations or individuals (all rights relative to all contents, information and materials of any third party published by naura group with authorization shall be owned by corresponding owners). without official written authorization of naura group, any organizations or individuals shall not apply any of the  abovementioned contents, information and materials.

  unless otherwise specified herein, this website will provide no software for downloading in any form. to smoothly browse contents on such website, you need to obtain a browser tool through a legal channel by yourself. any brochure or product introduction available for downloading is offered by this website only for convenience of our existing and potential clients to read. any organizations or individuals shall not plagiarize or embezzle any content therein.

  this website may offer any link to any thirdparty website, provided that such link is offered to you only for your convenience. in case of using such link, you will leave this website.naura group has not rendered any investigations against any thirdparty websites, and has no power and right to control over such websites and any contents thereof and shall not assume any liabilities. where you decide to visit any third-party website linked from this website, any consequence and risk caused hereby shall be assumed by yourself.

  naura group shall not assume any warranty of any kind for all information contained on this website, including marketability, suitability for a specific purpose, inexistence of any computer virus or no infringement of any intellectual properties, etc.

  we makes no warranties that all contents acquired by you on the website are up to date, sufficient, liable, complete or fully accurate as upgrade, update and replacement of any product, technology or information may occur. relative information shall be regarded only as reference for your understanding or model selection, instead of the basis of final determination, and shall not be binding upon naura group.

  if you need to know whether our products meet your use requirements, or remain doubt for any content contained on the website, please get in touch with naura group through the contact method offered on the website.

  we hope you are aware that any duplication, excerption, compilation or even distortion or falsification of any information of naura group, spreading, publicity or even swindle relative to such information, for any purpose without written authorization of naura group, shall not only damage such legal rights of the group as goodwill, but also contravene the law. in case of such illegal behaviors, naura group will remain unrelenting, and actively cooperate with the judicial department to investigate involved personnel for their legal liabilities.
